Translational Reproductive Biology and Clinical Reproductive Endocrinology Conference

Dr. Eric Seaman conducted his presentation to an audience of international group of physcians, nurses, PhD's and other researchers in the field of Reproductive medicine at the annual Translational Reproductive Biology and Clinical Reproductive Endocrinology Conference.
Dr. Eric Seaman presented his poster entitled: "Cap Score Utility in the Treatment or Varicocele"
What is Cap Score?
Cap score is a measure of sperm "capacitation" which are maturational changes sperm must go through in order to fertilize an egg. Cap score is not a measure on traditional semen analysis.
Dr. Seaman compared the Cap-Score and SA metrics in seven men before, and at least three months after varicocelectomy. In doing so, he found that the majority of men who had an abnormal Cap score before Varicocelectomy had significant improvement in both Cap score and semen analysis after Varicocelectomy- with five out of seven displaying conversion of their Cap score to normal.
Patients with conversion to normal Cap score were counseled to pursue a relatively non aggressive recommendation of either trying to conceive naturally, or to pursue intrauterine insemination. Furthermore, men who did not show improvement in Cap score were counseled to pursue a more aggressive approach to conception with discussion including the topic of IVF with ICSI.
Here, he poses with conference speaker, Dr. Pasquale Patrizio
With Dr. Robert Kiltz of Syracuse, NY.
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