Am I a Candidate for a Vasectomy Reversal?

Up to 500,000 American men opt for vasectomy as a permanent form of birth control each year. It’s very effective at preventing pregnancy, but even the best laid plans can change. If you had a vasectomy in the past, but you want the ability to father a child in the future, you have options.
Whether you’ve entered a new relationship later in life or simply had a change of heart, there are many reasons that men consider getting a vasectomy reversal. Having a vasectomy reversed isn’t a guarantee that you’ll be able to father a child, but it is possible. Having the reversal performed by experts, like Eric Seaman, MD and our team, can increase your chances of success.
Dr. Seaman offers consultations for men of all ages who want to know more about getting a vasectomy reversal. Every man is unique, but vasectomy reversal is generally between 50-90% effective.
Learn more about how reversals work, and then schedule a consultation with Dr. Seaman to find out if you could be a good candidate for vasectomy reversal.
What makes vasectomy reversal successful
A vasectomy is a simple outpatient procedure that involves cutting the vas deferens tubes, which carry sperm from your testes to your seminal fluid for ejaculation and fertilization. After a vasectomy, your body still makes sperm, but it’s absorbed instead of mixing with semen.
During a vasectomy reversal, Dr. Seaman re-attaches the vas deferens tubes so that sperm reaches your semen again. Vasectomies can be reversed, but the success of the procedure relies on several factors.
Reversal procedures may be an option for up to 20 years or longer after a vasectomy, but the chances of success decrease the longer it’s been since you had the initial procedure. For example, a man who had a vasectomy five years ago may find vasectomy reversal to be more effective than a man who had one 15 years ago.
Dr. Seaman evaluates your health to help you determine if a vasectomy reversal is right for you. He considers your age, the quality of your sperm, and your overall health as part of his assessment, along with how long it’s been since your vasectomy was performed.
Men who have had a vasectomy in recent years and who are in generally good health are often the best candidates for vasectomy reversal. Other important considerations include the age and fertility of your partner.
If you aren’t a candidate for vasectomy reversal, talk to Dr. Seaman about freezing sperm, in vitro fertilization, and other methods of conception.
What to expect if you get a vasectomy reversal
Dr. Seaman performs vasectomy reversals in the office with local anesthesia. The two most common types of vasectomy reversal are vasovasostomy and vasoepididymostomy. Dr. Seaman will select the right strategy for you during the procedure.
Vasovasostomy is the simplest type of reversal, in which Dr. Seaman reconnects the vas deferens tubes. If vasovasostomy isn’t a good option, he connects the vas deferens tubes directly to the epididymis, which is the sac which holds sperm, to reverse the vasectomy. The procedure generally takes a few hours from start to finish, but you can return home the same day.
After your vasectomy reversal, you’ll want to follow our recovery guidelines to give your body time to heal. Wear tight-fitting underwear to support bandages and your incision. Avoid strenuous activity for several days and sexual intercourse for up to a few weeks.
It can take several months to a year after the reversal procedure before your semen contains sperm again. After your vasectomy reversal, you may return to our office for semen evaluation, where Dr. Seaman checks your sperm count to see if the procedure was successful.
When you find yourself in a new chapter of life, and you’re considering a vasectomy reversal, talk to Dr. Seaman. Call our office at 973-259-6695 or book a consultation online today.
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