African Bush Mango in High doses can Harm Male Fertility
Just because it’s natural, doesn’t mean it’s good for you or even harmless: African Bush Mango in high doses can harm male fertility as well as liver function.
Seed extracts of African Bush Mango, also know as Irvingia Gabonensis, have been used as an aid in blood sugar control and weight loss. Both the seed and the fruit of the plant are commonly used in Nigeria as a condiment for soup. Different parts of the tree are used for several maladies including diarrhea, dysentery, tooth pain and the healing of skin wounds.
African Bush Mango Study Results
There has been international acceptance of using the seeds of the African Bush mango for weight loss. In an attempt to gauge the safety of this supplement, a study was initiated where rats were fed increasing concentrations of the seed extract. In 2014 study results were published in the Journal Biology, Agriculture and Healthcare was entitled: “Effect of Irvingia gabonensis (Aubry-Lecomte ex O’Rorke) Seeds on the Liver and Gonads of Male Albino Rats. Findings showed a dose dependent deterioration in liver and testicular function (in particular sperm production). Conclusions of the study acknowledged that although there may be beneficial properties to African Bush Mango, consumption of the seeds should be undertaken with caution.
“it’s natural, so it can’t hurt me.”
Currently there are an exploding variety of over the counter supplements which are being marketed as benefitting a variety of health concerns. It is common for people to adopt an attitude of “it’s natural, so it can’t hurt me.” African Bush mango may serve as an example of why we should all be a little cautious before reaching for herbal remedies with unknown consequences.
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