A Closer Look at Testosterone

Testosterone is the primary male sex hormone. It’s a chemical created in your testes, and it plays an important role in sexual function and other male characteristics.
Your testosterone levels naturally fluctuate throughout life. But, low testosterone is a common medical condition affecting men in their 40s, 50s, and beyond — and it can have a significant impact on your life.
If you’ve noticed changes like a dropping sex drive, changing body compision, or erectile dysfunction, it’s time to take a closer look at testosterone and its effects. Eric Seaman, MD and our team specialize in hormone optimization for men of all ages, and we’re here to help you feel like yourself again.
What is testosterone?
Hormones are chemicals that regulate a wide variety of functions in your body, from mood and sleep cycles to metabolism and reproduction. Testosterone is an important male hormone that influences a man’s sexual function, sperm creation, and other male characteristics.
Women have testosterone too, but it’s created in their ovaries and in much smaller amounts than in men. It also influences bone density, muscle mass, and fat storage in the body.
Your testosterone level varies throughout the course of each day and throughout your life. In men, testosterone production increases significantly during puberty and remains relatively stable until it starts declining around age 30.
Testosterone drops about 1% each year after you turn 30. It’s natural for testosterone to decrease with age, but by the time 45 rolls around, about 40% of men have testosterone levels that are too low.
Understanding testosterone deficiency
Testosterone deficiency, also called hypogonadism, is a medical condition that occurs when a man’s testosterone levels are lower than normal. There’s a difference between the natural aging process and the symptoms of testosterone deficiency, and it’s important to know that testosterone deficiency can be treated.
Low testosterone can have a range of symptoms, including:
- Low sex drive
- Erectile dysfunction
- Infertility
- Fatigue
- Weight gain
- Moodiness
- Decreasing body hair
- Thinning bones (osteoporosis)
There’s no set benchmark used to diagnose testosterone deficiency because hormone levels fluctuate. Instead, Dr. Seaman reviews your medical history and your symptoms to determine if you’re living with low testosterone.
Treating low testosterone with hormone therapy
Testosterone controls a number of functions, from sexual health to mood, and the symptoms of low testosterone can have a negative effect on your life. If Dr. Seaman and our team identify testosterone deficiency, we can recommend hormone replacement therapy to optimize your hormones and help you feel better.
Hormone replacement therapy is available in injections, oral medication, topical gels, or skin patches. We work with you to find an appropriate dose of hormones. The right treatment plan will minimize any potential side effects while effectively addressing your symptoms.
Testosterone replacement can boost energy, increase your sex drive, and even treat erectile dysfunction caused by testosterone deficiency. If you’re bothered by the symptoms of low testosterone, it’s time to find out what hormone replacement could do for you.
Call our office in Millburn, New Jersey, at 973-259-6695 or request a consultation here to get started.
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